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Student Response System Working Group

学生答复系统(SRS)工作组的目的是通过广泛评估SRS,并建议将哪些SRS支持UBC的学习技术环境。作为该过程的一部分,本集团:编译市场扫描,UBC ICLicker和热门帽子的使用统计,以及其他机构使用的评估过程;进行了SRS文献综述;开发并进行了SRS讲师调查;并互相展示选择SRSS。该组合信息导致开发核心标准,用于评估彼此的系统。


  1. 顶帽子,专注于支持更高级的用例。它似乎是最强大,灵活的解决方案,满足了最多的标准数量,并提供了最广泛的问题类型。
  2. Poll Everywhere,专注于支持简单的用例。许多成员认为它觉得最容易学习和使用的系统,特别是对于那些新的SRS来说,因此可以促进通常的采用SRS。此外,工作流程和报告功能可能允许更深入的使用。
  3. iclicker云,重点支持教师已经familiar with the iClicker Classic workflow. Discontinuing use of this system when instructors are challenged with learning many new technologies seemed unfair, especially since the system met much of the core criteria well.


You can read the完整的SRS工作组报告for more information, including details of the evaluation process, instructor survey results, and group membership.

Leadership decisions

UBC’s learning technology leadership decided to pursue a contract withiclicker云对于2020年来,这份合同是一个1年的审判,以便通过学年获得每个人,在年份结束后重新考虑。



The Student Peer Assessment (SPA) Tools Working Group’s purpose was to evaluate SPA tools broadly and recommend which to support at UBC, both to facilitate review of the peer collaboration process (e.g., students review other students’ contribution to a group) and peer products (e.g., students review other students’ work).



  • ipeer.审查同伴协作过程,虽然本建议采用UBC的进一步发展,将得到支持,以提高工具的易用性,并将其与核心教学需求进行对齐,它目前不相遇。
  • peerScholarfor reviewing peer products using traditional peer review that can be customized to suit most contexts
  • 克拉斯合格那andPeerWisefor reviewing peer products for special situations (video annotation, comparative decision making, or multiple-choice item writing), which may also help facilitate access to instructors who are new to student peer assessment

You can read the完整的SPA工具工作组报告for more information, including details of the evaluation process, instructor survey results, and group membership.

Leadership decisions

UBC的学习技术领导决定继续资助和支持peerScholarinto the 2020 winter terms.克拉斯合格ipeer.那andPeerWise还将继续接受中央支持。

Additionally, leadership hopes to set aside developer time later in the year to support further development of iPeer, under the guidance of a new instructor working group.