UBC Wiki Instructor Guide

UBC Wiki标志
UBC Wiki是一个用于协作写作的在线平台,其中可以由使用UBC CWL登录的任何人创建和编辑内容(Campus-Wide Login). Content created in the UBC Wiki is viewable by everyone online and can be embedded in other tools like UBC Blogs. UBC Wiki uses the sameMediaWiki平台that powers Wikipedia, which includes detailed revision tracking of content and the option to use wiki markup language.
成本 自由
带宽 低需求
帆布集成 没有
隐私 帆布是Fippa.符合要求和数据安全地存储在加拿大
类似的UBC支持的工具 微软团队Microsoft OneDriveoffer private document collaboration


您可以在课程中以许多不同的方式使用UBC Wiki:

  • 为在一组中工作的学生提供合作
  • 创建公共课程内容或文档,您还可以邀请学生贡献
  • 主机开放教育资源,如开放教科书

How are faculty using UBC Wiki?

Janice Stewart uses UBC Wiki so students contribute to public knowledge

Socially networked digital technologies allow the classroom to progress beyond the boundaries of official knowledge. Official knowledge represents a partial aggregate of culture, because it is mapped in ways that typically exclude members of marginalized groups. Participatory technologies, such as the GRSJ 224 Wiki, enable active relationships to public knowledge, new forms of educational innovation, and participatory citizenship.阅读更多 ”

Judy Chan使用UBC Wiki为教练和学生进行协作

Judy Chan started using the UBC Wiki to deliver course content in a way that instructors could collaborate on course content and students could share their term projects with each other. Chan teaches FNH 200: Exploring Our Foods, a multi-section blended course taught by multiple instructors across the continent.阅读更多 ”

我需要使用UBC Wiki?


哥伦比亚大学维基runs in your web browser and supports using Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Safari.

UBC CWL(校园范围登录)

哥伦比亚大学维基is viewable by anyone who has an internet connection. However, to edit the content, you and your students (or other participants) will need a UBC CWL.


  • Everything on UBC Wiki is accessible by the public.Wiki是启用开放式教学分配的一个很好的平台,但是为学生提供一个替代选项,可以在非开放空间中提交分配。
  • 任何人都可以改变他们的Wiki用户名以增加隐私。默认情况下,您的Wiki用户名默认为“FirstName LastName”。要更改维基用户名,联系我们

如何使用UBC Wiki?

First, take a look atways you can use the UBC Wiki for course work获得想法。你也可以跟随self-guided UBC Wiki tutorial

单击下面的任何栏,以获取使用UBC Wiki的说明和提示。

为UBC Wiki创建一个帐户

在UBC Wiki中创建或编辑页面之前,您需要登录一次以创建帐户。

  1. 如果您没有UBC CWL,首先按照UBC遵循的步骤创建CWL帐户
  2. Go towiki.ubc.ca., 点击CWL按钮on the top right, and log in.
  3. 如果您第一次登录UBC Wiki,将使用CWL信息为您创建UBC Wiki帐户。


  • You can click your username to edit your profile,在您登录后。您可以添加您喜欢的任何详细信息,例如您的部门,兴趣领域或维基贡献。

在UBC Wiki创建一个页面

  1. Go towiki.ubc.ca., 点击CWL按钮on the top right, and log in.
  2. 确定要在中创建页面的命名空间。命名空间集到Wiki中的内容应该分类。
    • 主要:A general community area for knowledge sharing about all aspects of the University. Note that pages here cannot have pages underneath them (i.e., subpages). All other namespaces can.
      • 位置在Wiki:“wiki.ubc.ca/page标题”
    • 课程:基于课程内容或活动的区域。
      • Location in the wiki: "wiki.ubc.ca/Course:Page Title"
    • 文件:教育资源,文档,支持指南和其他类似内容的区域。
      • 位置在Wiki:“wiki.ubc.ca/documentation :page title”
    • 沙箱: an area to play, experiment, and use the UBC Wiki as a personal and collaborative workspace.
      • 位置在Wiki:“wiki.ubc.ca/sandbox :page title”
  3. ClickCreate a New Pagein the sidebar of the UBC Wiki, and scroll to the bottom of the page.
  4. 在相应的命名空间框中输入您的新页面标题,然后单击创建按钮。If you are creating a new course page, it will automatically load a course template, and instructions how to edit the page will pop up. If you are creating a regular page, you can start editing the page.


  • 请避免使用页面标题中的特殊字符, as these characters will not work properly.
  • 创建页面后,您可以为其创建子页面, so long as you are not using the "Main" namespace. In the web browser address bar, put a forward slash ("/") after the page address, type in the title for the subpage, and press enter.
  • 您可以使用快捷方式来创建新页面by typing the following in the web browser address bar: "wiki.ubc.ca/Namespace:Page Title" (e.g., "wiki.ubc.ca/Course:Math100") and pressing enter.


  1. Go towiki.ubc.ca., 点击CWL按钮on the top right, and log in.
  2. 访问您要编辑的Wiki页面。
  3. 编辑选项卡
    • You can edit your content with a visual editor or wikitext editor. Wikitext (or wiki markup language) is like a simplified version of HTML, while the visual editor is an online rich-text editor like what you use in Microsoft Word.
  4. 制作编辑,然后单击保存更改
    • If you are making time-consuming edits, also save your changes as you go, since UBC Wiki does not have a built-in autosave.


  • 每次保存更改时,将保存新版本的页面。You can always revert to a previous version using the页面历史功能
  • 重命名页面与移动页面相同。You can read more abouthow to move a page in the UBC Wiki, if you decide to change where your content appears.


  1. Go towiki.ubc.ca., 点击CWL按钮on the top right, and log in.
  2. Click上传文件在“工具”下的侧栏中。
  3. Read the image explaining what kinds of copyright permissions your files should have, and click下一个
  4. ClickSelect a media file to upload并找到计算机上的文件。
  5. Add additional files, if needed.
  6. Click继续
  7. Choose the appropriate copyright status of the file, enter any other required information, and click下一个
  8. 提供文件的描述性详细信息,然后单击下一个
  9. To use the file in a wiki page, copy the embed code that appears after you upload the image. You can then follow the instructions above for editing a page and paste this code in where you'd like the file on your page.


  • All of the files you upload need to be either in the public domain or openly licensed(e.g., using a Creative Commons License), since the UBC Wiki is open for anyone to view. If you upload your own file, you will have to agree to upload your work under a创造性的公共许可证
  • You can use existing media from the Wikimedia Commons与之插入媒体功能。Wikimedia Commons包含超过2亿个开放许可的图像。
  • Though you can't upload videos directly,您可以在UBC Wiki中嵌入视频from video-streaming platforms such as Kaltura.

Add a citation

  1. Go towiki.ubc.ca.,然后单击CWL按钮在右上角。
  2. 转到您想要添加引用的Wiki页面。
  3. 编辑选项卡
  4. 点击引用下拉,选择类型参考你想添加。
  5. 填写信息,然后单击Insert
  6. The citation will automatically appear at the bottom of your wiki page.


  • 您可以重用相同的引文通过在CITE下拉菜单中选择重复使用选项。

我在哪里可以使用UBC Wiki获得更多支持?


如果您需要使用UBC Wiki对开放分配的教学支持:
联系将终止will.engle@ubc.ca或者rie namba atrie.namba@ubc.ca


如果您对UBC Wiki遇到了麻烦:

分享UBC Wiki隐私指南,所以你的学生熟悉他们将在这个开放空间中分享的内容。

Learn more

  • For more how-to instructions and self-guided tutorials, explore theUBC Wiki帮助页面
  • One-on-one help is available during the weekly WordPress and Wiki Virtual Drop-In Clinics, generally held on Thursdays. Check for即将到来的诊所on the Keep Teaching site.
