Qualtrics Instructor Guide

Qualtrics logo
Cost Yes Free
Bandwidth Yes Low demand
Canvas Integration No None
Privacy Yes Qualtrics isFIPPAcompliant and data is stored securely in Canada
Similar UBC-Supported Tools Quizzes inCanvasis also centrally supported and can be used to survey students.

What can I use it for?

你可以use Qualtrics for collecting many types of feedback:

  • Running pre- and post-surveys to gauge changes in understanding course material
  • 征求学生意见或反馈
  • 用测验问题测试理解课程材料
  • 收集研究数据
  • 管理同意表格或活动的注册

What do I need to use Qualtrics?

A supported web browser

Qualtrics runs in your web browser and supports using Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari. We recommend that you always use the most up-to-date version of your browser for the best experience.


Accounts for Qualtrics are based on UBC CWLs (Campus-Wide Logins), so all faculty, staff, and students who have a CWL can create an account themselves. Account creation will happen automatically the first time you log in to Qualtrics.


  • 你可以log in to Qualtrics atUbc.qualtrics.com.with your UBC CWL.
  • Students can also create Qualtrics surveys,使这个工具在您希望学生自己收集反馈的课程中是一个有价值的选择。
  • 你可以collaborate with others on Qualtrics surveys那including people from outside of UBC. Collaborators can receive different levels of access for each survey.

How do I use Qualtrics?

To use a Qualtrics survey in your course, you will need to create a survey, add questions to it, then distribute the survey and analyze the results.

点击any bar below for instructions and tips for using Qualtrics.

Create a Qualtrics survey

Surveys in Qualtrics are called projects, so you will begin by setting up a new project.

  1. Log in toUbc.qualtrics.com.using your UBC CWL. This will open your Qualtrics projects page.
  2. On your projects page, you will find a listing of all the surveys that you own or collaborate on. To create a new survey, click创建新项目
  3. Select how you would like to create your survey:
    • 单击从头开始创建Survey
    • Create from existing data by clicking导入数据
    • Create from a template for a head start on a particular kind of survey by selecting atemplate option
  4. Give your project aname那then clickGet Startedto create the survey.


  • 您还可以选择复制现有调查when you create a new survey, if you want to re-use a set of questions.
  • 您可以通过将合作者添加到项目来分享对任何调查的访问权限。From the projects page, add a collaborator by clicking the more options icon (the 3 horizontal dots) next to your project, then selecting "Collaborate". You can add people by Qualtrics username or an email address and set what access you'd like them to have for the project.

Build the questions in your Qualtrics survey

After you've created a new survey project, you can begin adding questions to your survey. Question blocks are used to organize your survey questions into groups. By default, one question block is provided in your survey for you to build questions in, but you can add more. Each block of questions will be shown to respondents on a separate page.

  1. Log in toUbc.qualtrics.com.使用UBC CWL,然后单击项目你想编辑。
  2. 点击Create a New Questionat the bottom of the survey.
  3. 点击thequestionyou added and a panel of customizable options for it will open on the right-hand side. You can modify many aspects of the question in the panel, including the question type.
  4. Build out your survey questions:
    • To the change the text of a question or its answers, click thetextdirectly and begin editing.
    • 要提出一个问题,将鼠标悬停在问题上,然后单击向上箭头or向下箭头that appears on the left-hand side.
    • To add a new question block, clickAdd Blockat the bottom of the survey.
    • 点击Previewat any point to test your survey as a respondent.
  5. When you are finished building your survey questions, clickPublish保存更改。
    • 对于新调查,请注意发布将会not使调查为他人而言。您需要按照本指南的“分布”部分中的说明进行调查。


  • 高度提供超过100个问题类型来选择在建立您的调查中。你可以learn more about theavailable question typesin the Qualtrics documentation.
  • 在您对调查中添加了一个问题后,您可以在它之前或之后插入新问题通过悬停在问题上并单击右侧出现的加号图标。如果您决定稍后将新的问题添加到调查的早期部分,则此功能非常有用。
  • 向问题添加内容验证有助于确保您将收到正确的答案格式from respondents. Click any question to see thecontent validation options对于那种问题类型。
  • 你可以force a response on any question to require respondents answer the questionbefore submitting the survey. Click any question to see theforce response options
  • 你可以prepare your survey outside of Qualtrics and then import your questions.Creating your questions outside of Qualtrics can be useful if you intend to copy or add large amounts of questions at once. Qualtricsaccepts imported questions using their .txt or .doc templates

Customize options in your Qualtrics survey


Survey logic



你可以set up a custom message to display to respondents, once they complete a survey. You can use this feature to reveal information after respondents have completed the survey, like showing next steps to follow or other site links to explore.


Trigger an email to be sent to respondents, once they've completed the survey. This email is useful if you would like to send a confirmation of survey completion or if there is information that needs to be revealed after the survey is submitted and you want respondents to have their own copy to reference.



Survey look


Distribute your Qualtrics survey

Once you've created your survey, built in your questions, and customized your options, you're ready to distribute your survey to respondents.

  1. Log in toUbc.qualtrics.com.使用UBC CWL,然后单击项目你想编辑。
  2. 点击Distributionsto find options for releasing your survey to respondents, including the two of the most commonly used options:
    • Anonymous Link:使用匿名链接选项如果您想创建调查的链接,受访者可以匿名持续。
    • 可跟踪的链接:如果您想为每个受访者创建唯一链接,请使用个人或可跟踪链接选项。通过使用唯一链接,您将能够跟踪谁回复。
  3. Pick whichoptionyou'd like to use and follow the prompts to complete the distribution steps.


  • 使用个人或追踪链接,您将需要to add respondents to your Qualtrics contacts with their name and email。你也可以从另一项调查导入联系人。点击"Contacts" in the upper right from any page to see options for managing your Qualtrics contacts.
  • 了解有关调查分发的更多信息in the Qualtrics documentation.

Analyze your Qualtrics survey data

Once you've collected responses to your survey, you can use Qualtrics to analyze and visualize the outcomes.

  1. Log in toUbc.qualtrics.com.使用UBC CWL,然后单击项目you want to review.
  2. 点击数据分析to find options for reviewing your survey responses, including three of the most commonly used features:
    • Data:Use the data page to view your raw data. In the table, you can filter the responses and add/remove fields to customize the view. If you prefer to work offline, you can export the data into several different formats.
    • Text:使用文本页面将主题分配给开放式调查问题的基于文本的响应。该过程对于从可以报告的定性反馈的浮出主题非常有用。你可以learn more about text analysis optionsin the Qualtrics documentation.
    • Crosstabs:Use the crosstabs page to have Qualtrics analyze relationships between variables and determine if there is statistical significance. You can了解如何设置交叉表in the Qualtrics documentation.
  3. 点击Reports从您的数据中建立自定义结果和可视化的显示,也可以作为链接或可下载文件共享。您可以在顶部包含过滤器以解析以不同方式显示的数据。


  • 你可以save layouts for your data tables那so you can switch between different views of your raw data quickly. When viewing the table, click "Tools", then "Save Layouts" to create a new layout view. You will select your saved layouts from this same location.
  • To receive data reports without logging in to Qualtrics, schedule an emailed reportto send you updates automatically. You canlearn how to set up email reportsin the Qualtrics documentation.


Technical support

For Qualtrics technical support:

  • 1 800 340 9194 (24/7) or use theQualtrics support site
    • 忽略初始登录字段,然后单击Sign in with SSO
    • Typeubc在“组织ID”字段中,然后单击Continue
    • 使用您的UBC CWL登录,如果出现提示,请完成发送支持请求的步骤。

For UBC technical support:


  • For more how-to instructions, explore Qualtric’s支持文档
  • Join a Qualtrics studio session to explore this tool with hands-on support and guidance. Check for any upcomingUBC高质量的会议on the CTLT events page.
