


Proctorio isFIPPA符合(即,它遵循省隐私政策),您的录音和数据安全地存放在加拿大。在删除后,加密录音已保留两年。



  • 在评估前要求身份验证和扫描您的房间
  • Recording your video, audio, screen, and/or keyboard activity during the assessment
  • Restricting what you can do on your computer during the assessment (e.g., no printing, copying, accessing other websites)


  • Proctorio is used to make sure the remote exam experience is fair for everyone。If you engage with the exam honestly, you do not need to worry about the recording, even if something unexpected happens.
  • Proctorio仅在您的Chrome浏览器中的考试时运行(当它处于活动状态时,您将在浏览器地址栏中看到屏蔽图标)。一旦您离开考试,就没有收集数据的单独程序,没有数据收集。当您完成时,您可以卸载ProctorioProctorio Chrome extension page然后单击从Chrome中删除。
  • Proctorio recordings are stored in Canada按照第26(c)部分FIPPA。在删除后,加密录音已保留两年。如果您对数据隐私有任何疑问或疑虑,您可以联系Paul Hancock(UBC法律顾问,信息和隐私)
  • No person is watching you during the recording只有您的教师和/或教学助理将在后面审查录音。Proctorio工具的作用仅限于:a)为您在加拿大的视频提供临时数据存储,B)运行其自动化算法,以标记视频中的任何时刻以进行审查。
  • An automated flag on your recording does not mean your instructors and/or teaching assistants will assume you cheated或者您将获得成绩扣除。人类对旗帜的解释至关重要;教师/教学助理进行最终通话。

What do I need to use Proctorio?

A computer with the Chrome browser

Proctorio must be used on a desktop or laptop computer (mobile devices will not work), with the latestChrome Web浏览器Proctorio Chrome extension安装了。

请注意,Proctorio可用于Windows,Mac,Linux和Chrome操作系统。你可以查看其他最低技术要求on Proctorio’s site, if you are concerned about your computer meeting them.



Exam requirements



  • 如果您有问题的满足要求,请告诉您的教练。你也可以联系顾问,如果您有满足要求的财务障碍,或ask for accommodations如果您不能由于残疾而满足要求。
  • 查找清晰的照片识别您可以使用考试来证明您的身份。在考试日,如果您将您的外表(尽可能最好)与所选ID相匹配,这也是最好的。Proctorio将尝试验证粗略匹配。


You will first install the Proctorio Chrome extension, then prepare for and take your Proctorio quiz or exam.



  1. 在铬,去Proctorio Chrome extension page
  2. 点击Add to Chrome
  3. 在弹出询问“添加Proctorio?”中,单击Add Extension


  • Make sure you're using the latest version of Chrome,如果您有问题安装。


  • Get your setup ready in advance.Make sure you can meet the technical requirements and have a good place to take the exam. Your location needs a reliable Internet connection and should not have anything visible that you don’t want to show on camera. If you’re in a tight living situation, ask your housemates to read a book quietly, watch a movie with headphones, nap, go for a walk, or run errands to give you space during exam time.
  • 完成练习ahead of time or ask for one to be set up. This allows you to try out the experience and test the technical requirements before the stakes are high.
  • Know what restrictions your instructor has set在考试期间,您的计算机上允许或不允许使用哪些操作。询问洗手间休息,使用抓取纸或您拥有的任何其他问题。


  • 期待意外:在线考试时,有时会在您的控制之外发生的事情,特别是当您可能不在空间中。平静地解释了相机的任何中断,并相信您的教练或Invigilator将与您合作,了解发生的事情。
  • 请记住,Proctorio的算法标记您的录音,但一个人审查这些旗帜。教师和教学助理将迅速看出您是否正在进行正常的东西,如调整您的位置或在后台有大声噪音。


  1. Open Chrome, and log out of your Google account, if you are logged in.
  2. Log in to your Canvas course. Click thetitleof the quiz you want to take. In the quiz name, it will typically say “(Remotely Proctored)”.
  3. 点击Take Quiz
    • 您的测验不需要访问代码。If you get an error message that an access code is required, see the troubleshooting section below.
  4. 将出现Proctorio的“开始之前”指南。如果出现警告消息,请按照说明清除警告消息。否则,请单击开始exam pre-checks
  5. 您将经过一系列系统诊断测试,以确保一切正常工作。通过测试时,请单击Next
  6. 根据您的导师启用的设置,可能会要求您验证您的网络摄像头/麦克风和/或保持您的照片识别。按照说明进行操作。
  7. 将出现Proctorio考试协议。点击我接受,现在开始考试
    • If you have questions about accepting, contact your instructor first.
  8. If your instructor enables it, you may need to rotate your webcam 360 degrees to do a full room scan before you start answering questions. If your webcam is fixed to your computer, you can use a mirror to show your surroundings.
  9. 开始后,请不要刷新浏览器,使用浏览器按钮,或远离问题,直到考试已提交。
    • If you get bumped out of the exam, remain calm. Follow the steps in the troubleshooting section below.


  • Canvas will always call your assessment a “quiz”,whether instructors assign a quiz or exam.
  • Before you begin, it’s best if you prepare your computer for the exam
    • 关闭Chrome中的所有其他选项卡以及所有计算机应用程序,包括自动启动的计算机应用程序,如Skype和Dropbox。
    • 暂时禁用任何防病毒软件。
    • Silence notifications on your computer. This includes iMessage, Slack, or any program that pops up messages. If possible, put your computer in “Do Not Disturb” mode (Mac) / use “Focus Assist” (Windows).
  • 如果您无法验证网络摄像头和/或麦克风,则可能需要检查权限遵循instructions to check the webcam/microphone permissions in Chrome
  • 如果Proctorio说它会记录您的位置,请不要担心。这意味着教师要求它录制您所在的近似城市,基于计算机连接的位置(即,您的IP地址)。
  • 如果您遇到技术困难,请随时与您的教师或教学助理联系。每个人都希望支持您尽快去除障碍,所以您可以回到学习!

排除一个accs code prompt in Proctorio


  1. Check that you are using the最新的Chrome浏览器
  2. 通过进入删除Proctorio Chrome扩展Proctorio Chrome extension page然后点击Remove from Chrome
  3. 清除Chrome浏览器历史记录和缓存。
  4. 放弃铬和重新开放它。
  5. 通过返回返回到重新安装Proctorio Chrome扩展名Proctorio Chrome extension page然后点击Add to Chrome
  6. 再次启动测验。



  1. 尝试重新进入考试以便在您离开的地方拿起。点击title测验。
    • 您可以通过检查侧栏中的问题列表来找到您返回的问题。
  2. 如果这不起作用,请联系您的讲师或教学助理proctorio。他们将确保您可以重新输入:


If you see a warning message about insufficient RAM while attempting to use Proctorio, you can increase your computer’s available RAM by preventing unneeded applications from opening.


  1. 点击Apple menu > System Preferences那then double-click用户和团体
  2. Select your user account, then click登录项目在窗口的顶部。
  3. 选择应用您希望防止自动打开,然后单击minus icon button列表下方删除它。


  1. Right-click the开始button, select任务管理器,然后单击启动选项卡。(如果您没有看到启动选项卡,请单击More details。)
  2. 选择应用you want to prevent from opening automatically, then click禁用

Where can I get more support with Proctorio?

Technical support




  • 让你的教练或教学助理知道。
  • 直接联系Proctorio:
    1 866 948 9087或
    或者,在主动考试中,通过单击位于Chrome浏览器地址栏中的屏蔽图标,访问Live Chat,然后单击Live Chat。

For questions related to the exam那including content covered, restrictions around washroom breaks and scratch paper, time limits, or availability dates, reach out to your instructors or teaching assistants.



  • 有关更多技术细节,请探索Proctorio的对考生的支持页面
  • Read UBC-specific answers toProctorio常见问题解答on the Keep Learning site.
  • No one outside the appropriate users at UBC can see your recordings or data. Even people at Proctorio cannot access the recordings or data, as they are stored using zero-knowledge encryption, meaning Proctorio does not have the key to decode the encryption.
  • 如果您对数据隐私有疑问或疑虑,请联系Paul Hancock(UBC法律顾问,信息和隐私)
