Crowdmark Student Guide

Crowdmark是用于在您的工作和接收测试和在线作业的标记的应用程序。Online grading tools like Crowdmark are designed to help your instructors and teaching assistants collaborate better on grading, so they can return outcomes to you more efficiently.

众人是FIPPAcompliant (i.e., it follows provincial policy) and its data is stored securely in Canada.

What will I use it for?


  • Handing in scans of paper-based assignments, quizzes, or exams
  • 完成完全在线分配,测验或考试
  • 查看成绩和您的工作的书面反馈

What do I need to use Crowdmark?


Crowdmark runs in your web browser and supports using Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Safari.

A Crowdmark student account



  • 您可以通过登录来访问,一旦您收到并验证了众人帐户。选择使用画布登录的选项。

How do I use Crowdmark?

You will first verify your Crowdmark account and set a password. Then you can participate in the course activities your instructor assigns within Crowdmark.




  1. You will receive an email from Crowdmark when your instructor first distributes an assignment (for fully online work) or returns a graded test (for paper-based work). Once you receive this email, click whichever link you see:
    • 登录并转让对于新作业
    • 登录并查看成绩用于分级测试
  2. When you access Crowdmark for the first time, you will need to verify your account by "claiming" it. ClickClaim my account
  3. 另一封电子邮件将发送到与您的帐户关联的电子邮件地址。点击Claim my account在到达的新电子邮件中。
  4. 输入您的全名,设置密码,接受服务条款,然后单击Claim my accountfor a final time.
  5. You will be taken to the assignment or test linked from the original email.


  • If you accidentally create an account ahead of time, you will not see any courses, tests, or assignments right away when you sign in.You will also need to make sure that you are accessing Crowdmark with the same email address that your instructor has used to enrol you (this is usually the primary email set in your Canvas account).
  • 您可以在画布中查看或更改您的主要电子邮件地址以与Crowdmark匹配,通过登录Canvas,单击“全局导航”中的“帐户”,然后单击“设置”。在“设置”页面上,使用右侧的列表添加新的电子邮件地址或更改哪些电子邮件是您的默认电子邮件。您可以在关于更改的新地址收到一封电子邮件;单击它包含的确认链接。
  • If you can't see your course, assignment, or test and believe this is an error, you can try troubleshootingby following theCrowdmark instructions for accessing assignments and grades



  1., 选择用画布登录那and log in using your UBC CWL.
    • You may need to click授权to give Crowdmark permission to access your Canvas account.
  2. 点击thecourse访问您的作业然后单击assignment你想完成。
  3. Read the instructions carefully, taking note especially if this assignment will be timed. For a timed assignment, when you are ready, click立即开始评估
  4. 完成任务。您将在屏幕上回答任何多项选择或文本框问题,但您可以在纸纸上或在Word中的应用程序中回答其他类型的问题,除非您的教练另有指定。
    • Each question that can't be answered on the screen will require a separate file upload, so please complete these file-based questions on a separate piece of paper or digital page, and label each answer with the question number.
  5. Crowdmark接受PDF文件(最多25MB)和JPG或PNG图像文件(高达12MB)。将任何基于文件的答案保存,扫描或将任何基于文件的答案中的一个。
  6. 对于每个基于文件的答案,单击虚线盒子上传区to add your file.
  7. Make adjustments to any file uploads, as needed:
    • 要旋转PDF页面或图像,请单击放大镜图标on top of the file preview, then clickRotate pageuntil you are satisfied, and clickDone
    • To remove a PDF page or image, click thex iconon top of the file preview.
  8. Once you are satisfied with all your answers, clickSubmit pages for evaluation
  9. Once the submission finishes uploading, scroll down the page and review your submission to make sure everything was uploaded correctly.
    • So long as time remains before the due date passes or the timer runs out, you can click编辑和重新提交to make changes, then clickResubmit for evaluation


  • Optimize your files as best you can before handing them into make sure your instructor and teaching assistants can view your work properly. Crowdmark offers准备上传图像的提示
  • 您可以重新提交工作,直到到期日期或计时器耗尽。一旦到期日已通过或计时器耗尽,您的提交将被锁定,以便您的教师和教学助理可以开始分级。
  • Crowdmark will email you if and when your instructor chooses to use Crowdmark for returning grades那and you can access your grades and feedback using the link in the email or following the instructions for reviewing work in the section below.


如果您尝试提交赋值时出现问题,您通常会看到错误消息。你和你的教练都可以访问一个众多您所采取的所有操作的人群日志the assignment, so your instructor will know you had issues. However, you can try to resolve these yourself.


A general error is usually temporary and happens when something interfered with the upload. You can try the following:

  1. Use a different Internet connection.
  2. 切换到电脑如果你提交的mobile device.
  3. Disable extensions/add-ons in your browser, update your browser to the latest version, or try a different browser.
  4. Reduce the sizes of the files you are uploading.
  5. Re-save the files to a different compatible format (PDF, JPG, or PNG).
  6. 如果这些步骤都不解决问题,请联系 include the error message, the file you’re trying to submit, and the browser and operating system you’re using.

Incorrect file type / File size is too big

Crowdmark accepts PDF files (up to 25MB) and JPG or PNG images (up to 12MB). Save, scan, or photograph your answers into one of these accepted types. Select a lower quality for your scanner or camera, if your files were too big.



Pages are missing

Re-save your files to a different compatible format (PDF, JPG, or PNG) and try submitting again.


If you’ve submitted an image from a mobile phone, the rotation data may be sent incorrectly. Switch to a computer instead and try rotating the image there, then upload the new image to Crowdmark.

Review your graded work in Crowdmark


  1., 选择用画布登录那and log in using your UBC CWL.
    • You may need to click授权to give Crowdmark permission to access your Canvas account.
  2. 点击thecourse访问您的测试和分配,然后单击任何内容测试orassignmentwith a status of "Graded".
  3. 在“成绩”页面上,您将能够为每个问题查看您的总分和您的分数。也可以访问任何其他标记和书面反馈。


  • Crowdmark will email you if and when your instructor chooses to use Crowdmark for returning grades,您可以使用电子邮件中的链接或以下说明访问您的成绩。
  • You can download a copy of your marked test or assignment by using the print option在等级页面的顶部,并选择PDF格式作为输出而不是打印机。



If you have trouble accessing Crowdmark:

If you have technical issues using Crowdmark:

与您的教师或教学助理也有问题那as they may be able to provide real-time assistance in helping you resolve issues.

For support with online learning:

